25/04/2024 00:35
Development & Economy
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Composition of New Government  
Composition of New Government
  The Presidency of the High Council of State announces by decree in this day and at the proposal of the Prime Minister are appointed:


Minister of Justice: Amadou Tidjane Bal,
Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation Mohamed Mahmoud Ould Mohamedou,
Minister of National Defence: Mohamed Mahmoud Ould Mohamed Lemine
Minister of the Interior and Decentralization: Maaouya Ould Mohamed
Minister of Economic Affairs and Development: Sidi Ould Tah
Minsitre of Finance: Sid'Ahmed Ould Raiss
Minister of Education: Ahmed Ould Bah
Minister of Islamic Affairs and Education Originel: Othmane Ould Cheikh Ahmed Aboul Maali
Minister of Public Service, Labour and Vocational Training: Hacen Ould Limam Ould Amar Jowda
Minister of Health: Mohamed Abdellahi Ould Siyam
Minister of Petroleum and Energy: Die Ould Zeine
Minister of Fisheries and Maritime Economy: Hacenna Ould Ely
Minister of Commerce, Handicrafts and Tourism: Bamba Ould Dermane
Minister of Housing, Urban Affairs and Planning: Adama Sy
Minister of Rural Development: Messaouda Mint Baham
Minister of Equipment and Transport: Moussa Camara Boubou Seydi
Minister of Water and Sanitation: Mohamed Lemine Ould Aboye
Minister of Industry and Mines: Mohamed Abdellahi Ould Oudaa
Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports: Sidi Ould Samba
Minister of Communication and Relations with Parliament: Mohamed Ould Mohamed Abderrahmane Ould Moine
Minister of Social Affairs, Children and Family: Mint Selama Cheikhna Ould Lemrabott
Minister Delegate to the Prime Minister of the Environment and Sustainable Development: Mohamed Ould Ahmed Salem
Secretary of State for Modernization of Administration and ICT: Sidi Ould Mayouf
Secretary of State in charge of Maghreb Affairs: Mohamed Abderrahmane Ould Mohamed Ahmed
Secretary General of Government: Ousmane Ba
Commissioner for Human Rights, Humanitarian Action and the relations with Civil Society: Mohamed Lemine Ould Dadde
Commissioner for Food Safety: Mohamed Ould Mohamedou
Commissioner Investment Promotion: Bâ Houdou


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